I’m also someone who loves gathering information, reading and learning 
I have many books I read and check when in need of information. Lately, I’m kind of collecting many related to magik, the Goddess, sacred places, personal development and my collection of oracles is also growing 
I love to start the day with a short oracle reading, choosing 1/2 cards or 3 with my pendulum or with my hands, eyes closed. Sometimes during the evening, specially when there’s a Full or New Moon 
I have an altar on the windowsill and another on the dining table. It’s a long table, we are 3 at home, so enough space. I have candles of different colours, crystals, plants and gifts of nature: a branch/wand I found in a forest, dried flowers, sea shells, stones, etc. Also photos of my children, my mother, my grandma (who was my spiritual guide), and myself.
When I do a reading I also like to light an incense stick (I have many), light a candle as well.
I write things I feel while drawing a card, but most of the times it’s about that moment. I don’t know what else I should do. I would say, trusting my intuition it’s all that matters. I have this idea that I’m not doing the right way but it could be just a thought. After all, there’s not just one way to do things. 
Books that’ve been useful and guiding me are:
Moonology - Yasmin Boland
Wiccapedia - S. Robbins/L. Greenway
The Green Witch - Murphy Hiscock
The Witch’s Book of Self-Care - Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Druid Magic - Sutton Mann