Looking for guidence

Greetings All

I am very very new to the world of Magic & Witchcraft. I am wanting to learn so much about the history and literally everything I can. I was curious to know what advice y’all can give to to start my journey? I feel this is my calling in life and I need peace & serenity. I appreciate all that feel a calling to help me on this journey with me…

Blessed Be


Welcome! Thanks for joining our online coven :slight_smile: Great question. We each have our own journey, but I started through reading books (these are some of my favorite: 5 of the Best Books for Beginner Witches | The Pagan Grimoire) and then diving into the types of magic I felt most called to.

At the end of the day, I believe it’s all about mindset, practice, and intention. The more you practice, the more confident you tend to feel as you believe more in your self-efficacy.

But, at the beginning it does feel like a lot.

What aspects do you feel most called towards?

  • Is there a spell that you want to do?
  • Would you like to know how to cast a circle, set up an altar, and call the quarters?
  • Do you want to celebrate the Wheel of the Year holidays?
  • Is there a pantheon (Celtic, Norse, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, etc.) you’re interested in and would like to learn more about? Or is there a particular god or goddess you’d like to work with?
  • Do you want to learn more about types of divination or how to understand the tarot?
  • Do you want to learn more about the philosophical side of magic and mindset? (which is where I’ve been hanging out a lot these days)?

Your answer might be yes to all the above. But, let us know if any particular direction is calling you the strongest.


Merry Meet!! I am an exclectic witch, myself, meaning I don’t shoose only one or two things to follow. I found out thru Ancestry DNA that I have Celtic/Norse origins, so I’m following that path. Along the way I have started tarot, I do a ittle divination although that is really mors of a “practice” effort I am working on, and I adore crystals!! Tha being said, Amy Cesari has many amaziing books on witchcraft on Amazon, relatively reasonable priced. They also double ass adult coloring books!!! So, you get to be creative and learn too! I love her books.


I have set my alter up (sorry for such a delay in response. Life :dotted_line_face: I think for me currently I’m interest in learning the history and physiological side.