Introduce Yourself! 🌟

We’re so glad you’re here! Now, please take a moment to tell the group a little about yourself.

Not sure where to start? Here are some ideas of what to talk about. Pick one or two!

  • how or why you got into witchcraft, magic, or manifestation
  • what type of witch you identify as (you also don’t have to have one!)
  • what you’d like to get out of the forum and what knowledge you want to share with others (do you know a ton about tarot, crystals, numerology, etc.)
  • your first magical experience
  • your favorite type of magic to practice
  • your favorite witchy book or the one that’s most helped you
  • your favorite sabbat and why
  • your favorite card in the tarot deck or the one that’s been coming up for you a lot lately

How to start a conversation:
Visit the Introductions category and click the “+ New Topic” button.

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Hello! I’m Lisa. I’m very new at my craft. I’ve been a paranormal investigator for over 20 years and my psychic mediumship skills have been developing rather rapidly these last couple of years. i’d like to tie all those things together with witchcraft and see where it takes me. i’m very interested in doing ancestor work and also working with Hekate. My favorite holiday / sabbat has always been halloween or Samhain. i know bits and pieces about the tarot, and crystals, and oils … mostly i know about the paranormal. i work with candle magick, oils, crystals, and will take someone else’s spell and tweak it to my own words so that it makes sense for me. i’ve written a few spells as well. i’m working on manifesting a new job right now … will let you know how that goes … should hear something by next week or so … i’m also very into dark mirror scrying. i don’t know that i have a favorite card n the deck … i keep hearing “the moon, the moon” in my head … yeah, even though it’s not supposed to be all that positive a card, it makes me happy … a boy, his dog, and the big beautiful moon … what more could you want? i also do alot of moon magic when i can. however, the cards that ALWAYS come up for me are the suit of swords … i’m a gemini, so i guess that’s why … :smiley: also, i keep seeing the number 444 all … the … time … anyway, that’s me in a nutshell. happy to be here with y’all … blessed be, brothers and sisters!


Hi, my name is Christian. Just started studying magic as I’ve wanted to become disciplined again and implement more structure in my life. I’m also wanting to explore other spiritual walks and points of view.

Thank you!


Hi, I’m Darian! Been actively witching for about 3 years. Im pretty eclectic with lots of interests and I devour as much info as I can get my hands on. I’m looking forward to seeing what this coven is all about! Great to meet everyone!


Hi everyone! Ive been practicing the craft about 7 years officially, but have always been drawn to the Old Gods. looking forward to getting to know everyone! Y’all have a blessed day!

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I think I may have gotten a little turned around in the introductions but here is a little background. I come from 7 generations of witches. Originally born of the celtic pagans but we all know what happened there. I was called by the Goddess when I was 10 years old and my father was very proud to initiate me.


I guess I should have also mentioned that I am 64 years old now so I have traversed from The Maiden, to The Mother and finally now my final transition to The crone

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strong textHi, my name is Sandy. Hope you all have an awesome day! I am a Solitary mostly, no one around to share with.

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Hello, everyone. I’m Lisa and it’s wonderful to be here.

I live in a very conservative, christian area so it’s nice to have others to converse with and learn from.

I love being outside in nature whether I’m in a creek looking for a unique stone or fossil, in the garden tending to vegetables, fruit or flowers, or in my backyard making a new spider or snake friend, or any little creature friend for that matter.

Imbolc is my favorite holiday because it’s around the time I celebrate my new year (I don’t have birthdays anymore. :wink:) and I know spring is just around the corner.

I love to sew and enjoy all different types of crafting, when I have time. Being a mom to a 26 year old daughter and two teenage sons is very time consuming…lol.

I am a nature loving Pagan that dabbles a bit. I resonate more with being a solitary green witch. We are in the process of building a new home and I would love some input on setting up a proper alter. What I consider my last one was situated in my kitchen window adorned with rocks, crystals, plants, candles and found feathers along with other small miscellaneous items. It was my favorite place in the house.

I am aiming to become more disciplined in my practice and am very excited to be here.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone.


Hi I’m Pea and I was pulled here. I don’t know what kind of witch I am. I normally follow whatever pulls me.

Hello all. I’m Harmony and I’m a second generation pagan as my mother introduced me to it. Though I loosely practiced for a while, I want to get more into it. Recently moved into a very small town with churches on every corner so I want to get more into my practices. I have several tarot decks and I feel more confident using them mostly at night.


Hi! I just wanted to say I much resonate with you! I’m also a Green Witch, love nature and I’m also a mom (1 teen & 1 in his 20s) Really consuming haha :sweat_smile:

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Hi everyone, I’m Georgina. I’m glad to finally found a community that speaks to me. It’s quite a relief knowing there are more people having this need to communicate and find each other 🫶🏻

I feel much attuned with this the Green Witch, though I’m not into witchcraft yet. I follow the Sabbaths (Litha is my favourite :sun_with_face:). I love the summer! Nature is where I feel home: forests, beach, the sea.

Mom of 2 kids, busy job, living in my 3rd country abroad. Many changes in life! Currently living in a small city, kind of a lonely place.

I much enjoy oracle cards, candles, the MOON & the SUN :full_moon_with_face::sun_with_face:. I’m interested in science, the stars, astrology, numerology, the Goddess (Divine Feminine), metaphysics, mysticism, and more witchy stuff :dizzy:

Travelling to sacred places is one of my passions. I love churches, though I’m not religious in that sense.
Many different things!

I’m looking forward to learn more, get tips and share knowledge with likeminded folks.

A book I read recently: Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell. It open a new world to me.

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Hi, How do I publish my intro? Thank you

Hi, I have been studying Wizardry and Witchcraft for a couple of years now.
I am a student of the Grey School of Wizardry. I worship both the Lord and Lady.
I wish to practice magic that is nature based, especially working with the cycles of
the Sun and the Moon. I practice as a solitary witch/wizard and would like to feel
more connected to community.