Brooms: How to make your own?

Looking to learn how to make my own broom can anyone help. I’m a Pinterest junkie but get taken down too many rabbit holes to know what’s real


Do you want to sew and wrap only, or are you okay with using adhesives? I have made my fair share of them, and have done them both ways. I used to be a hardcore purist, but I have found that glue doesn’t hurt anything, and the energy flows just fine. I thought about making some classes for crafty things like this. I have some other witches in a FB group who want me to teach them how to make witchy shawls. Just a thought. Let me know how you want to proceed and I will help how I can.


I made a broom once. Went out into the woods and gathered from the ground. Then used twine to wrap the twigs around the handle. Then decorated. It was good for a little while. The twigs got really dried out and started snapping off. So I’m thinking if I ever tried again, I would use some type of grass material. Something more swishy. I’m sure there are way better options to making a broom :broom:. I definitely enjoyed the process of it and the spiritual intentions put into it as I crafted. What ever you decide, it will bring you some positive feelings.


I’ve made a fair few besom brooms (a new one every year, burnt at the end of the year) they aren’t the best for dusting if that’s your intention but if it’s for ritual/energetic purposes, and if this is available to you, then the spindly Silver Birch branches you find on the ground are great and were traditionally used at New Years to banish negative energies and demark boundaries (energetically as well as literally). You can use these for the bristles, bound firmly to a handle of your choice (i like to use either hazel or silver birch both for their availability and the magickal qualities of those trees). I find, to get the tension, it is good to clamp the handle in place and, if possible, get a friend to help with windong the cord around the twigs. It’s a lovely ritual to do, from gathering, to binding, to sweeping (or even jumping the broom, for a hand fasting or other commitment ceremony). Good luck and enjoy the process!


Hi Mysti!
I actually bought a beautiful ceremonial broom on Etsy. Lots of cool stuff there.


I heard broom corn is a good way to start then choosing how to wrap it. I saw someone else mention adhesive which I feel like makes a ton of sense. I’ve been looking into making my own broom as well so if we get a system worked out I’d love to know hahaha


Just experiment, like I did :smiling_face: It’s fun, it’s magical, it’s something you can use. And if you see or think of a better way later, that’s cool too :grin:


I am so happy to be part of this coven. I eclectic witch. Since studying wiccan i felt that for the first in my life something was opening a new approach to my life I found new direction and at 72 my past comes back brining the pain and despair but i found peace in the universe. I have much to learn but i know that being invited to this group is part of the universe mapping out my next
I make my own mini brooms all made from spent twigs etc on forest floor when i do this I became tuned with the forest and feel the peace of the trees wrapping safely around me. I make wands also and im drawn to particular pieces of the forest floor i can come home with nothing but when im lucky enougnh to find just the perfect piece for a certain mini broom or wand . I have been given a full size broom.
Id love to hear from anyone who has a passion for the forest or btooms.
Merry Meet all


Thank you for sharing this Katie :green_heart:

I’m sorry for the pain and despair of the past. I hope the living universe continues to bring you solace and magick. I really feel your green witchy connection to everything!

I’m also from a place of darkness, recovering through time in the forest (both wandering in the woods, making medicines from their gifts, and planting them). When I was a little girl and had to escape the worst times, I would take to the fells and lie amongst the deep grasses and heathers, there I used to feel like I could hear the heart beat of the breathing land, as you described “wrapping safely around me”. It’s only been recently I’ve been able to come closer to a land-based life out of the city and, though it’s only ‘semi rural’ I am rediscovering that solace, healing, and connectedness.

I look forward to connecting more and learning from you.

Brightest wishes,

Iris x


I feel your energy in your post. I’m inspired to try to make my own too now. Thank you Nannakate. Peace and blessings to you.

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I have a question to piggy back, please…do y’all replace your broom when you move into a new home or is doing a cleansing ritual on it “enough” I love my broom and loathe to be rid of it:)


I have brought brooms with me with absolutely no ill effects, and cleansing energetically can’t hurt. But I personally think it’s worth it if you love your broom so much! :smiling_face:


I’m good with adhesives