Witchy Slump/Burnout

Hi everyone,

Lately I have been feeling drained, so drained that I can barely pray to any deities. I don’t think I’ve been doing too much with regards to deity work - just prayers and offering some music (until I can get altars set up) - so I don’t believe that is the issue. I think maybe it’s because I have things with my mundane life that I have to take care of, and it’s taking up so much energy that I can’t connect with my deities. My intuition seems to be affected, too, and I haven’t even been working on my Sabbats grimoire. I can’t help but think of Kiki from “Kiki’s Delivery Service”, when she faces burnout and has to take a break before she regains her powers. I’m hoping it’s something like that, and I just wanted to share in case anyone else can relate


I feel this. I work from home (software dev) and have spent 3 years on a project. During peak work times, I’ll get out of whack and then feel very guilty for neglecting my path. During those times, when I realize I’m out of balance, I try to take moments to look at the birds flocking to my feeders, take care of my plants and make a little music. I live in Phoenix and this time of year, it’s a bit warm. Very late at night, I’ll go outside and just sit on the patio and feel the breeze, try to take note of the position of the moon, planets and stars and take some deep meditative breaths. Usually that helps.

It’s not always necessary to keep a strict regimen of prayer and devotion but rather sometimes just focus on the simple gifts we’re given.

I know I’m rambling, but I hope this helps.


I wonder if its about where you are on the wheel? I ask this because I seem to experience a complete blackout after midsummer. I just can’t seem to access my witchy self for about a month. However, the first cool breezes and the shortening of the days seems to wake me up again. I used to worry about it, but I have come to believe its just that my powers grow in the autumn and drain away during the summer. Does anyone else have this??


It’s actually really helpful to hear your story @guitardave - thanks for sharing! It’s nice to know that it’s ok to do things that are simple and yet allow us to reconnect to whatever resonates with our path. I think I will try and keep things minimal, and hopefully when I am less overwhelmed I can get more in-depth with my practice


Ooh, that’s an interesting theory @laish! I know that I feel the most revitalized during spring (my favorite season), and for the past few years I have not particularly enjoyed autumn, as I struggle with trauma anniversaries that occurred in that season; also, I do not like cold weather, so I favor spring and summer over autumn and winter. Maybe this seasonal change is affecting my abilities? I’m hoping that as I grow as a witch, I can find and/or create rituals that help me enjoy the colder seasons and give me something pleasant to focus on and create happy memories


I’m right there with you. I have been feeling a slump or like a mini burnout (like Kiki). I feel like it might have to do with summer being the season of getting things done, like home projects or what have you because the weather is good and there is time allowed for things like that. It is also the season of having fun and going on adventures like festivals, state fairs, yard sales, and whatever else is happening (birthdays, holiday parties like 4th of July, etc). It is as if everything that accumulates gets thrown together all at once and then we as witches are smashed in the middle trying to balance ourselves and everything else around us. Inevitably, we get tired and our practices are pushed to the wayside. I am definitely guilty of this, and I am trying to make up for it as best I can.

Just be gracious with yourself and do what you can. I think our spiritual team will understand.


That is a great point @kikininja613! Plus with the weather having been so hot and humid these past few weeks, it’s hard to get anything done other than lying around lol. On an unrelated note: is your profile pic an illustration of Sailor Neptune?


hey - my profile pic is an AI version of myself as a Sailor Scout. It came out like Sailor Pluto, and she is my favorite scout :smiley:


That’s so cool!

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I feel this as well. My energy seems to drain at the end of summer, but as soon as cooler breezes start to blow, I feel new energies flow through me. I try to take 5 minutes just to breathe most days during this time because sometimes, that is all I have the energy to do.


Currently experiencing the same thing as you. Same industry, different career. Sometimes it feels like my job takes up most of my time and i feel bad for not making time to appreciate nature and be present.
I remind myself that sometimes life can get hectic and existing is already a blessing while i take a walk every now and then. :heart:


Keeping it simple is a blessing unto itself


A very interesting conversation. Just this past weekend I was feeling what y’all have been discussing. I look at my alter and felt blah. No energy or enthusiasm. I did pick up a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers at the grocery store which lifted my spirits. I’ve been practicing grounding in the early evenings - walking barefoot in the grass in my back yard. Like @Cern said - trying to appreciate nature and be present. I hope this helps everyone too