Spiritual Guidance

I have been going through one hell of a rough time lately. The kind that makes people turn to religion, and makes people ask if you’ve prayed about it or offer to pray for you.
Clearly, turning to religion or going to church is not something that I am eager to do given that my life path is different to the norm in my country. I identify as an eclectic pagan witch but I don’t have a patron god or goddess.
What else should I DO? I’ve cleansed and saged my house. I’ve been lighting candles. I’ve tried meditating. I’ve done tarot readings. But I’m still struggling to find that inner boost of strength that might come from praying or going to church.
What else can I try? Is there something else I should be doing? I just need to know that I am not alone and that some ‘thing’ out in the great beyond is looking out for me.

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I am empathetic to your dilemma. Difficult times are often the result of Karma in your past. The difficulty is discovering what in your past instigated your current situation. You can and should be angry and frustrated with the Darkness that has invaded your life. At the same time you should strive to understand the origin of your ill fortune and release the negative energy and thoughts associated with it. Understanding will not release you from Karma but it will help alleviate the psychic shock that comes along with it at times.
One’s energy can manifest reality. The energy of billions is reality. The problem here is that in order to receive the blessing of a belief one must embrace the Dogma of that belief. If one can truly accept the Dogma of the dominant beliefs in our world then solace can be found there. For me I am an Elemental and believe all concepts are reality and the dominate beliefs are far to repressive for my exploring soul.

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Hi WildDaizie, thanks for posting. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a rough time. It sounds like you’ve been doing all the usual things to try and help with the problem. Would you be willing to elaborate a little more on what’s going on so we can try and help?

(If it’s a medical or legal issue, of course we always recommend going to the professionals, but perhaps we can offer additional supportive ideas or at least an ear.)

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