Trying to figure out how this works!

Merry meet! My name is Morgan and I’m a solitary witch. Over the years I’ve considered becoming part of a coven, but don’t believe it’s right for me. I had my awakening at 16. Without understanding witch craft, I understood the idea of the wiccan crede. Even though I was raised in a Christian home, I believed in something much simpler. I had great respect for nature as a child and loved being alone in the wild. I don’t believe you “become” a witch. You are born one. I prefer to say I’m pagan rather than identify as wiccan, or any other group, because I like to keep it simple. I maintain an altar which changes with the holidays and practice some candle magic. My family is Scottish and German so I follow a lot of Celtic ideas. I look forward to hearing from others and learning some new things.


Merry meet Morgan, I am also a solitary pagan, from a very young age i have been drawn to all things Celtic and I have worked with angels and Archangels for the past 32 years. During one of my marriages I was forced into not keeping up contact with the angels, but now having found my way back i am slowly finding myself again.
I too have not been part of a coven as such, but I am comfortable to be with small groups of people, i love it here as I can follow things without feeling like I’m overwhelmed by anything. I’m very strongly connected with nature and animals, often choosing them as company over people, my family say that I should try to spend more time with groups that do things together. However they’re thinking of older people who do cake decorating and the kinds of things that older people would be interested in doing, i mean no disrespect to those who do enjoy that sort of thing, but they don’t believe that I should be convening with the angels and talking with those who have crossed the veil… they tell me that I should find people to be with… there’s not that many people where I live that think like i do though…
So I come here, where I can read what others have been doing and find out answers to my questions if I have any, i do engage in conversation sometimes but rarely respond straight away, as I take breaks due to my health making it difficult to get online…
I don’t feel judged here, and I’m content with sitting quietly in the corner and watching for now…

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