The Tower - Is it as bad as I think?

I try to do a weekly spread to see what my week ahead holds.
Last night I got The Tower (upright) as my ‘theme for the week’ and I am terrified…
Any advice? Ways to mitigate it? Or do I just need to ride this wave out?

Hi:) The Tower can be scary but it also means that a foundation you had for something isn’t stable enough to move forward. So look at it as needing a space for a better building place. Sometimes things need to “break” in order for something better and stronger to come into our lives. Having received the Tower, you are not going to be blindly hit with something, you can mentally prepare that something might come your way.
Maybe do a quick early morning spread for a few days to help along the week to see if it can help narrow things down a little. If I’m in a hurry, I’ll just do a quick 3 card spread when I first get up and ask “ok, guys, what’s on the menu for today”:joy::joy::joy:


Thank you so much! Change definitely can be scary but since I have been ‘forewarned’ Im trying to approach it with a more open mindset. I did a quick reading last night and this morning as per your suggestion and things seemed a lot more positive and hopeful. Just need to open myself up to what the universe has in store for me!


For me when The Tower appears I get a little excited. Especially in a reading of portent. The visage on the card can send feelings of dread. In my experience the Tower can portend either light or dark. The basic premise of this card is significant disruption and swift change. Depending on other events in you life will determine if this disruption and change will be positive or negative. Disruption in one’s life should cause some apprehension but not fear. After the disruption one often finds a new beginning, and awakening and increased enlightenment. So be vigilant of the changes and disruption but embrace the new beginning, increased enlightenment and the awakening that follows.


Wow!! What great replies you received. All I can add is - what if each card represents a flow of energy? Could we use this energy to help our own projects? Sheila H in WV, USA

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The Tower…I dread getting that card more than the Death card. It can mean a LOT of bad things, but consider it a warning. Like for example, I got the card once and I got the message beware of car problems. so I took my car to the mechanic, sure enough I need sparkplugs and Air and Oil Filters to be replaced. It can also mean breaking down of appliances in your house. It is a card of warning and learning from loss. Depending on the relation with other card it could mean negative person in your life. Beware of this person. It could also mean for a person to stop feeling sorry for themselves, pull up those bootstraps and meditate. If it is near a Pentacle, it can mean a loss of money, including stealing by that very person I talked about earlier. It is also a time when you need to rely on your faith and belief that things will get better and live through the bad times. At one time for me, I was reading someone’s cards and there was a indication about breaking out of prison and to be careful. Sure enough, he lived a few miles from a prison. An inmate escaped and they caught him less than a miles from his house. I read his tarot a week before it happened and I told him to pray for protection. Did it work…I like to think so. I don’t read much today, I got so many clients that I started to have dreams about them and bad headaches. Some would come by a few days in a row and insist I read it again. They had children on drugs and would disappear and ask me to see if I could find them using Tarot. I mean, at 2 or 3 am in the morning and I believed at the time, I had a gift and to not charge. After a while I started charging. It slowed down. One woman had the nerve to say, after all the times I did her Tarot. I can’t afford that. I should have known better. It is the devil’s work in the first place. I told her to have a nice day, she left. She called later and apologized for saying that. I said it was okay. Her son was safe and in a jail cell. I seen the Tower in her reading many times.