Seeking help to understand and work with Runes

Hullo there👋
I’m seeking knowledge and guidance regarding runes. I’ve always been drawn to them and have tried to work with them a few times over the years but always felt like I was missing something and it just didn’t click for me. I would love any help you could offer. If nothing else, I appreciate you taking the time to read this post :smiling_face:


I love my ruins. I have a couple of different one, but my favorite, I made. So we connect really well. As well as my witches ruins( that i pull out once a year)( i want to redo them).
As far as your questions go, you could try cleansing them with salt, and then sleep with them under your pillow. Or you could make your own with river rocks(can buy at dollor store) or small wooden disk cut from a dowl or tree branch. But ,as you cut them and place each symbol, stay positive, take pride in each item you have picked to put that ruin on. River rocks will pretty much tell you by there size and shape which symbol is going on it.
I am sure , that someone more knowledgeable about ruins, can help you from here. I still can’t look at a ruin and know what it’s name is. I use my intuition and feelings to guide me, my book helps too and we just get it right. But i hope something helps you in my response and i wish you the very best in throwing the stones. Blessed be


Hi @CelestialFire! Here’s a guide to their meanings: The 24 Elder Futhark Runes and Their Meanings | The Pagan Grimoire

What would you like to know about working with them? What’s been your process so far?

I feel like one possible way to work with them is to pull questions for them as you would with tarot cards.

In other words: focus on a question, reach into your rune bag and select a rune (or two), place them on your desk or altar, then meditate on the result for the answer, letting your intuition guide you on the meaning.


Thank you for your advice! I tried making my own once from river rocks but didn’t finish because of a lack in confidence :face_exhaling: I’ll try again now that I have more faith in myself and don’t need to indulge my perfectionism to be satisfied. And I’ll absolutely try sleeping with them under my pillow to foster a stronger connection. Blessed be

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The guide was incredibly helpful, thank you for linking it! I can never remember their meanings and couldn’t connect with them. However I have a strong connection with tarot, and had never thought to try meditating with the runes and establishing a similar relationship with them as I have my tarot. Thank you for your insight :smiling_face:


Thank you Celestrialfire for asking that question since I am very new with runes also, but very interested in learning about them. I just ordered a wooden set off Amazon, but I will be making my own eventually. :slight_smile:
Thank you Rebecca for providing that link and your suggestion. I used to do that with my Angel cards but it has been a good while!