I’m IceGoddess and I’m from WI. My beliefs are just a hodgepodge of things I’ve learned and feel they are for me. My Goddess is Isis. I’ve always been fascinated with ancient Egypt. I sometimes wonder if in a past life I was an Egyptian. I’m not really into spells but I have done some and only do any if I need help or protection. I collect them though just in case I can use them in the future. I love tarot and have many decks. I have a strong connection to my first deck the Waite-smith deck. Wild wood tarot is one of my favorites. My newest deck is broke b word training deck. I thought it sounded fun and interesting. I’m hoping to learn new things here and meet new people.
Merry Meet IceGoddess!
I’ve also always been fascinated with ancient Egypt and their beliefs, customs and deities. How do you prefer to work with Isis? And my first deck was also the Smith Waite deck! Great minds lol. Lately I’ve been connecting with various oracle cards too. I love the energy oracle cards offer. Welcome to the coven! Can’t wait to learn more from you
I don’t think I really work with her. I usually am guided to where I need to be or what I need to know. I meditate and in my meditation I visit with her. I thank her for any blessing I had. Sometimes I ask for her advice. During chemo my oldest son disowned me. I have no clue why. I was devastated. I took it to Isis and let her know how hurt I was. She gave me her suggestion that night as I slept. She told me to shove the pain away and just deal with the chemo. After I was stronger I could deal with it then. Towards the end of my treatment, I was so exhausted and I was at the clinic every day getting fluids, vitamins, etc. I actually wanted to just quit and if I was gonna die, I’d take it. She wouldn’t let me give up. My dr actually must’ve seen it on my face that I was done. He gave me a break from treatments and when I was to go back, Isis gave me the strength to finish. She has a plan for me and I’m not sure what it is but she is guiding me. The way I work with her is I have been letting her guide me to where I need to go. Cancer had a lesson from her that I needed to learn. I learned from her that when things get really bad, your “family” are the ones who stick by you and help you. Those people truly love and care for you. My family shrunk to my mom, a brother, one son, my 3 bff’s, my Aunt and another friend. It was a sad, painful and very hard lesson to learn.
You know, I have many tarot decks but I usually always fall back to my first one.
I’m very sorry to hear of your struggles with cancer, chemo, and losing family when you needed them most But I’m glad that Isis didn’t let you give up and gave you the strength to continue. And now you have found your way to the coven and can share your knowledge and experience. And I tend to use my original deck more than the others as well, perhaps because I’ve had it the longest and have the strongest bond with it. I do have a lovely dragon oracle deck though that I am trying to nurture a better connection with because I just love the energy and imagery it offers.
That is funny! I have a dragon deck too! I don’t use it though. I find it hard to work with. I love the pictures though. A deck I’m trying to become more familiar with is my Wildwood deck. I love the earthy woodsy feel of it. It reminds me of when I was a kid and would go walking in the woods with my families dogs. I love the movie Nightmare before Christmas and I found a deck of that and got it. I don’t work with it though. I just got it for fun.
Have you heard of Marcus Katz? He’s a tarot teacher. He has published lots of books on it. He has this series that have different ways to use the tarot besides the usual ways. I’ve been wanting to do his ghost train one which is best done around Halloween but I always forget and it takes I believe a week and you end it on Halloween night. I always remember like two days before Halloween. Now that I’m thinking of them, I think I’m gonna look through those books and see if there’s one I’d like to do now.
I would probably love the Wildwoods deck because I also love the woods and have many fond memories of spending hours being at peace with all the trees. And the Nightmare Before Christmas one too, even if for more novel reasons than practical ones. Marcus Katz does sound familiar but I’ll look him up. I love to learn more about tarot and this ghost train method sounds super interesting. Thank you for the suggestion! I hope you have many blessed days