Something about this struck a chord in me this morning. It’s a gorgeous visualization by a trumpeter of how sound works and, to take the next step, the power of a spoken spell.
By using fire to let us see the sound waves, he shows the concept of ABRACADABRA (I create as I speak) in visual form.
I can’t upload a video onto the forum (photos only) but you can watch the video here:
Wow…!! That’s totally amazing 
I can understand better now why some music gives me goosebumps and others send my thoughts to warm summer evenings on a deserted beach with the waves gently lapping the shore…

That video was very eye opening! I definitely shared it with several people I know. That shows perfectly how energy affects energy through the different elements. Awesome 
Wow! That’s very cool! I go to a crystal/meditation workshop every month or two that includes the use of singing bowls, flutes, gongs, etc. Sound really can have a profound effect on us! It’s very cool to ‘see’ it in action!
Sound is sooooo powerful, not just in music but in speaking like you and others have said. I’m one of those people who gets the chills and goosebumps when listening to music. And this makes me want to add in more sound concepts into my practice. Thanks for sharing this!!
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I get that, I take a little bit here and there and mix things up, life is so exciting and things are to be enjoyed. If you don’t enjoy something then try to find a way to change it so it’s not too bad…
I use music a tremendous amount, it’s useful for so many things and it’s enjoyable, this has been a way of communication between people for centuries and it’s an amazing ability to be able to bring about visions through hearing certain sounds…
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