I need help I'm losing faith

I see the results of tarot there is no doubt, chiromancy was honestly considered a science and practiced by doctors even in the 1800’s and back, of course herbs have effects on us as well as scents, colors trigger things ingrained in our DNA even, all of these things can be proven, astrology is uncanny in accuracy, all of this is great. But spellwork, are we truthfully making change in reality, is there or is it even possible to find tangible evidence our spells work and not just random coincidence on occasion? I’m struggling and any help would be appreciated more so then you could honestly imagine!
Blessed be

Random coincidence does not exist (in magic or anywhere).
There is no ‘tangible proof’ in a scientific way, but who needs that? Even science is not necessarily right.
Syncronicity is good enough for me


Hello Astarious, I am wondering, when reading your post, what would be proof for you? The scientific approach has been the most powerful impact on the human world; medicine, engineering, mathematics, physics - we are the children of the scientific age. However, the scientific approach cannot help everything. Science can only help you with what can be measured. A walk in the woods can be described in terms of latitude, longitude, weather conditions, air quality and temperature, but the magic of a walk in the woods cannot be contained by these measurements.
From time to time we all wish for better circumstances, (scientists included). Some of us pray for greater powers to intercede, some of us manifest, some of us make spells. Does any of this ever work? I don’t think any of us can point to measurements that would satisfy as scientific evidence. We feel that it helps. If there was an evidence base, it wouldn’t be considered magic. Magic is a spark, a shiver, a sense of connection to a raw natural power. I choose to accept it is there and I hope my spells tap into that, but I have no proof for you.
I hope you find your magical mojo in whatever you feel works.
Best wishes


You are absolutely right, it is a feeling and as long as we believe it will work and make change them it will. Because even if the only change is mindset then isn’t that proof enough? Doesn’t mindset make all the difference in the day to day? I hit a road bump is all thank you for taking the time to give simple words of encouragement. Sometimes just a few words make all the difference!
May your days be green and golden,
And the sun be always at your back !!!
Blessed be!!!

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You are very welcome
and thank you for your blessings,
gladly received :slight_smile: