Self-Love Spell Jar - What Would You Add?

I’m working on a post about how to create a self-love spell jar. Experienced witches, I’d love to know what you would add to that type of jar.


Some of the things you could add is Lavender, Jasmine, Rose petals, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Honey, Pink glitter, write a Self-love Affirmation on a small piece of paper and place inside. Wrap with a pink ribbon and then melt pink candle wax on top.

Can say “In this jar I place my love, Abundant love for all I am, All I have been and all I ever will be. In this jar I place my love. I carry it with me as a reminder to be all that I am.”

After sealing the jar, can say “I direct love and kindness to myself every day. I am loved and I share love freely with myself because I am worthy.”

Lavender: calming anxious thoughts and encouraging kindness to yourself.

Jasmine: to help inspire pure love for yourself.

Rose petals: for promoting love in your life.

Rose Quartz: boosting feelings of self-love.

Clear Quartz: for clearing negativity and allowing mental clarity.

Honey: for encouraging kind and sweet words and thoughts.

Pink glitter, ribbon and candle wax: color associated with self-love.

Blessed Be :rose:


This sounds like a wonderful idea, I love the idea of putting crystals and flowers or incense inside…

I don’t have much experience with spells, I tend to use my intuition and go by how things make me feel.
I’ve always had angels around me and this is why i would add crystals etc.
I’m very new to the majick side of things but I’m keen to learn more over time…
You’ll have to let us know how things work out and the things you added to the jar…

Blessed be :woman_farmer:t2::dog2::people_hugging::revolving_hearts:


What a wonderful idea. I’ve never heard of such a thing but absolutely why not and I love it!

@NoctuaAstra - what a beautiful spell! Thank you for posting and sharing. I will try it myself and think of your lovely vibes. Blessed be to all.


I also have in my mind to set up a self-love altar. A special place to work on just me. A special altar that every time I look at it, there will be nothing but positive vibes flowing off if it into my soul. And it will make me happy :heartbeat:


Any ideas for protection jars? I need to refresh mine and I like to look for new spells/ideas each year so I don’t get stale.

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Hi @Bermygirl. I like to add whole cloves and garlic to my protection jars. I also like to use an evergreen such as Cedar.

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What great suggestions. Thank you @Pacific_Cheryl . I’ll add them to my New Year’s jars

I have never done a spell jar of any type and am not sure how to use it once it is made? Please know this is not criticism, this is just what the idea of making a jar feels like to me. It makes me feel… well bottled up. Stuck and sealed inside. I am not sure how that would help me with self love. Do you wear it? Do you eventually burn the contents in a fire ceremony? And just for some context… I am an Aries… fire lights my fire, so to speak. How do you all use your jars?