Hey, I’d like to know how to attract love into my life without forcing attraction (i.e love spells). Would crystals help foster more loving energy around me, or anything that helps nurture a healthy, loveable aura?
Work on raising your vibration, put Love out. Kindness before judgement. Like attracts like. Great question and topic.
all of the above and also…wear purple! And love yourself
I do feel that it all starts with loving your self, your surroundings, your experiences, and life it self. Crystals will raise your vibrations. Candles and herbs can too. Affirmations and meditations might help. Put on some music you love and move to it. That will raise your vibrations as well. Lastly… your intention towards all things will help. One of my hardest tests is in the car. For some reason I turn into a hell bent speed demon! LOL… I have to remember that we are all trying to get some place and I try to send out good intentions to everyone on the road. Not so easy! Blessings
Everything is there on Pinterest… Enjoy