Hi! I'm Rebecca

Hi everyone! I’m Rebecca, the creator of The Pagan Grimoire. I wanted to take a moment and say hello. Feel free to ask me anything in this forum.

And, if you’re new here, please take a moment to start a new thread and introduce yourself.

Here’s a little about me:
I’m Rebecca Swanner, a journalist and witch who grew up outside Detroit, Michigan. I’ve been practicing witchcraft for 30 years. I’ve studied with some of the best teachers in Los Angeles and New York City and traveled the world to explore the esoteric.

I launched the Pagan Grimoire in 2020 as I wanted to create an online space for well-researched content about the esoteric. There are other incredible writers and witchy creators out there, but there’s also a lot of content that feels like it’s been through a game of telephone.

I began my career in publishing as a fact-checker for magazines, so I can’t help but want to publish factually-sound content.

Whether or not you believe in magic (and if you’re here, I have a feeling you do), we strive to support our content with historical documents and writings. These serve not just to give more academic weight to our content, but also provide you with a thru-line to the history of magic.

A couple fun things about me:

  • Gerina Dunwich wrote the book that first captured my heart when it comes to magic. Something about it struck a chord in me and has a hold since.
  • I collect movie and TV props. My collection is still pretty small but slowly growing.
  • I love spicy food. The hotter the better.
  • I have two cats, Loki and Storm.

Here are some other places you can connect with the Pagan Grimoire community:

Ok, your turn :slight_smile:


Hi Rebecca!

What a pleasure to meet you in the virtual coven :black_heart: Thank you for creating this wondrous space.


You are so welcome! <3 Please take a moment to write your intro so we can all “meet” you too! :star:

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Love your cat names!

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Thank you so much! Do you have any furry friends?

Hey Rebecca!!
I just wanted to reach out because I am a fellow outside-Detroiter as well. It brings me joy to know that there are like-minded people everywhere, but there’s something extra special about finding one of them used to be a neighbor. Hello, from outside Detroit! :slight_smile: Thank you for building this wonderful space for us to come together. I love your site, and have referred back to it over the years for recipes, helpful tips and much more. Please continue feeding us with your knowledge, as we are grateful for it.
Also, what an amazing new feature. A place for us to come together and discuss our thoughts and opinions, get safe answers to questions…
You go, girl.

Love, from Michigan.


Hi Rebecca, thanks for creating this space :heartpulse: I always enjoy reading the newsletters especially leading up to sabbats.
A little about me: solo practitioner (by choice but also lack of locals) of eclectic animism, living with my husband in northern Virginia. We have a cat named Tom and a puppy named Beni. I started a garden this year after years in apartments and I’m very excited about all my seedlings, particularly in herbal medicine and applications🍀


Hi fellow outside Detroiter! :slight_smile: It’s so nice to meet you! I do miss the place I still call home, though I don’t miss shoveling the snow as it’s still snowing so much :wink:

You are so welcome! And, thank you for your kind words. It means a lot! My intention is to keep growing the site - we’ve got a cool post on planetary magick today and how to harness it.

I’m so glad you are enjoying the new feature! I believe it will be a space for all to feel welcome to share, ask questions, make friends, and learn from one another!


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I can’t wait to dive deeper…but not into the snow LOL, I’m right there with you on that one!

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Merry meet! I’m Dawn, and I’m an eclectic solitary witch, living just outside of Detroit. About 26 years ago, when I was 30, I realized I was a witch, but back then there was no Internet, not many books about it in the library, and I had no idea how to find anyone like me! So I put it aside and got on with my life.

About 3 years ago, I realized I still felt the same way, and this time I had resources to research this, and I’ve been happily practicing ever since!

My youngest daughter (28) is also a witch, and although we live in the same household, we don’t practice together. We do, however, throw ideas and information at each other, and share crystals or herbs with each other when doing spells.

I’m just looking forward to meeting other like-minded people! Blessed be!


Kia ora I’m Karin from Aotearoa/New Zealand. I’m a fairly new witchy practitioner, but have been on the path of spiritual healing for many years, in fact, way before I even thought about it, my friends used to call me Greenwitch, as I made herbal medicines lol. I live in a small town and am a solitary practitioner. I grow many many different herbs and am always on the lookout for more to add to my Witches Garden. I have only 1 cat at the moment, she is Motzie a part-Maine Coon. Recently just had to put my other companion to sleep as he was unwell. He was a loving constant companion and I still miss him dearly. I’m looking forward to connecting and learning :slight_smile: Blessings to all :heart_eyes_cat: :pray:


Hi everyone! My name is Holly and I live in southeastern Pennsylvania. I have been a witch for about 20ish years. I was part of a local group for a while, but mostly practice on my own. I love learning about witchy stuff and reading about how others celebrate sabbats/holidays. I adore my 4 kitties, sitting in front of the wood stove on a cold day, and walking/hiking in nature on a beautiful day!

Rebecca- thank you so much for providing a safe virtual place for like minded individuals to hang out!!!


Thk u for the invite can’t wait to hear more abt all witchy things :mage::plunger:


Hello. I’m Lori. I’m a solitary that loves learning more about everything. I enjoy tarot, crystals, and I lean towards hedgewitch.


Yay!!! I’m so glad you like them. My intention is to have them be a little more regular now :slight_smile:

What are you growing in your garden this year?

Hi Holly! You are so welcome :slight_smile:

I think I’m going to start a topic area soon for the Sabbats so everyone can share tips / practices / recipes and support each other.

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Hi Dawnie! Nice to meet you, fellow near Detroiter! I’m about a decade behind you, but I remember there wasn’t a lot published… at least not compared to today! Which is so funny as humans have been practicing magic for at least thousands of years. (Mesopotamian Magic in the First Millennium B.C. | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History).

What resources have you found helpful as you’ve been researching?

I also love that you two share a love of the craft! That’s wonderful to get to have that connection. :slight_smile:


Lovely to meet you and I’m so glad you’re here. Looking forward to hearing more about your herbal medicines and have you connect with the community.

And, I’m sorry to hear you had to say goodbye to your kitty. That’s always so hard. :heart:

Thanks, and thank you for setting this up - a wonderful resource it is going to be :slight_smile:

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Not anymore no. I’m disabled now and had to give up my pets