Hello Pleased to meet you

Hello. I’m just starting in my journey, I’ve just started following the wheel of the year and am interested in herbology


I grew up working with herbs, and have been working with them for healing, witchcraft, etc. I just planted a bunch of pomegranate seeds that sprouted on the solar eclipse 2 days ago! Anyway, I am glad you are interested in studying herbs!


How cool! Welcome :slight_smile: Tell me more about what you’re interested in in herbology! That’s a topic I have yet to expand on on the site so if there’s a particular herb or intention you’re looking to use them for I’m happy to start there.

That is so neat! How long do those take to grow?

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They will grow pretty fast in the first year. I can’t remember exactly how big at the end of the first year, but they will be between 12 -20 feet when they are fully grown (depending on how I prune them. I think they take 3 years to reach maturity, but they start producing in the first year. However, if you are in a colder climate, they may take up to 3 years before they start producing. I am writing a new grimoire, and pomegranate will definitely be one of the magickal plants included.

Hello, I’m Julie, my witch name is Freya Graymist and I’m in the US. I’m an eclectic witch…I like some elements of green, crystal, etc. witchcraft. Nice to meet everyone!

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