What Are Your Favorite Shows About Witches?

I’ve been watching the new Agatha series on Disney+ and I was curious: what are some of your favorite witch shows? I loved the newer Sabrina, but am always looking for more…

I’ve heard good things about the Mayfair Witch show and A Discovery of Witches. Thoughts? And, any other recs? (They don’t have to be new.)


Loved A Discovery of Witches and the Mayfair Witch ones. I’m always looking, too. I like witchy/fantasy/dragon shows.


Hi I 've always loved Charmed and although not specifically witchy Supernatural. Also loved Buffy abd Angel. Despite only living down the road from Oxford/ Cambridge I couldnt get into Discovery of Witches. Don’t think I could relate to the actors or characters. My favourite film is Practical magic

I give you a guess. Back in the day I made and effort to learn how to wiggle my nose. You guessed it…Bewitched. I LOVE Charmed and I was sadden by Shannon’s death. I am watching both shows and I found Discovery of Wtiches in Hardback at a Thriftstore. I was thrilled. I also have ONE from from the Mayfair Witches Series by Ann Rice.

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If you like fantasy and witchcraft, I would recommend The Witcher series on Netflix. It’s not all about the male lead, there is another whole storyline about a witch and her learning her magic, etc. It is really good.

Loved ‘bewitched’, especially the theme song.