Samhain Share Thread (Recipes, Altar Ideas, Rituals, and More)

In 9 days, it’ll be Samhain, and I imagine many of us in the Northern Hemisphere are celebrating. I thought I might create this share thread as a space to gather on the day/night of and hold space for one another.

Share and offer kind words to each other on your planned rituals, altars, and ask questions of each other about the holiday if you have them.

Ahead of time, this can be a space to share any traditions you have, recipes you’re planning, spells you’re thinking about, and more. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some of our posts about Samhain. Let me know if there’s any others you’d like to see for this year.

What Is Samhain: How to Celebrate Samhain: The Pagan New Year | The Pagan Grimoire

Samhain Rituals: 15 Samhain Rituals and Traditions to Celebrate the Celtic Holiday | The Pagan Grimoire

Samhain Recipes: 50 Samhain Recipes to Enjoy This Fall | The Pagan Grimoire

Samhain Altar Ideas: 19 Samhain Altar Ideas for the Pagan Holiday | The Pagan Grimoire





Blessed Samhain to all! :jack_o_lantern: :ghost: :maple_leaf:

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