New Here , glad to be here

Eclectic Witch here from Illinois … Merry Meet


Hi :wave:I’m Michelle and I’m living in Texas now but plan to move again this year. I’m 37 yr old and I’ve practicing for 15 years.

I’m interested in making some friends. Are you?


Yes I’am . How are you ?

I’m doing ok :slightly_smiling_face: I hope it rains here tonight … I could use the cleansing rain water for Me and my husband. I want to cleanse him and help him find a job. … he’s having a rough time.
I like your name ! How are you doing ?
I’m hoping to find someone I can chat and gossip with lol

Thank you … We can chat anytime you want . I hope it rains to for ya’all :hugs:

Hey Michelle!
Glad you made it here. Im up in Oregon working the land and natural magic.

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That sounds amazing !

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