Found 3 keys on road

Any specific meaning to this?.
I find strange… in a very surprising way when I was sitting at the backseat of a two wheeler my chappals fell down and then my dad got it for me along with the three keys in his handed those over to me and ask me if they are mine… they are old iron is so I just wondered and kept them with me and after come in home I kept them on my selenite

Is this is related with any particular or a diary or any specific symbol or path on folding signs anybody have any clue please feel free to share

I know that keys are linked to Hades, but not much else. Perhaps he is calling out to you, but it could also be something else entirely.

Hades? Who… I know keys are opportunity and door openers … right now I am working to get their breakthrough in communication that is a thread posted by made you can check and reply if you know

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Hekate ? I know Iron keys particularly are for connecting with goddess hekate and I was actually look in out for these keys sometimes back to do the ritual of hekate key …but I couldn’t find the exact once that I wanted

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Almost 3 teeth to each key. 2701 number v prominent

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Very interesting! I hope connecting with Hekate works out well for you!

Hm… I will do the key ritual soon…
Nice to be active on this. Love connecting with Our circle :grin:

Love & Light :sparkles: