Hello friends,
I am currently in the middle of a big upgrade to my home/boat. I am doing everything I can to get things done before June as that is when my space in the boatyard is lost. The men I am relying upon to help me with the engine etc are…lets call them relaxed.
Does anyone know of a spell to get this project moving?
Best wishes,
Merry meet Helen, i do hope that you are well. I have only just come back online after being away for a while and have just seen your message about getting things moving…
I don’t know if I can help with any spells to get your helpers to speed up, but joking aside i often find a quick kick delivered to the bottom area can work well… also take away the empty chairs and cups…if they can’t make drinks then they won’t have a need to sit down to drink them…
Other than that I would try having a chat with them and point out that you’re having trouble doing everything and that you need them to physically help you. I have trouble finding anyone to help me, but if it was me then I’d definitely talk to them and say that you’ve got a time limit to get everything done…
I wish i could do more to help, I can try sending some energy your way to get things going if you think it would help…
Blessings sweetie
Thank you Mikaiya,
I will definitely be kicking my engine hatch! I have been talking, words being the best spells. My boat/home is sitting here in the middle of their boatyard waiting for someone to look over. Three weeks have passed and my paintwork is looking great, my flooring has been replaced but while I make masses of progress, they just find any reason not to look at my engine. Its very frustrating.
Best wishes to you Mikaiya x
I wish I knew more about spellcasting so I could help. I generally light a few candles and meditate over the flame with some intention. Sometimes it works. But there’s generally a feel of catharsis when I do so, whether it be less stress overall or a willingness to accept what’s going on.
Thanks @guitardave, I totally agree with you about candles. I often feel a warm calm after working with candles. At this moment and in this space I feel a level of toxicity that is very wearing. My boat is in the middle of a yard and I am reliant of various workmen who would rather not deal with me. I feel a head on collision coming that I would rather avoid. I hate confrontation, hate being insistent or nagging and I feel as though I am being drawn into this role. It would be nice to channel this energy into something positive like a spell, but I fear this cannot be avoided
I understand, completely. I like to think I handle confrontation well, but I don’t. I get worked up, upset and freak out sometimes. It’s not helpful.
Yours is a truly tough situation it sounds. I’m not sure of your relationship with these men but I would suggest being assertive and direct. If they refuse to help, there are sites like Nextdoor where neighbors are (typically) of good nature and helpful.
Meantime, I will also put intention out into the ether for you to get some help.