Lammas Birthday

Hello all!

Lammas is a ways away it seems, but it’s also my birthday! What does this mean for me as a witch and celebrator? Should I do anything special for Lammas? I have to work that day so…boooo I can’t sleep in, which is my birthday wish!


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Hi! I’m a baby witch, so I’m still learning about all this stuff; in fact, I’ve started my first grimoire and it’s dedicated to the Sabbats! I think a good place to start would be to just research Lammas and its associations - I know that The Pagan Grimoire has an article about the Sabbat (referring to it as “Lughnasadh”), and TeaandRosemary and The Outdoor Apothecary are also great resources. Even if you can’t celebrate the Sabbat in a big way, you can probably find something that will help you feel connected. I’m sorry that you can’t sleep in for your birthday, but you can still do something nice for yourself! I see Pinterest pins that talk about setting new intentions and making a serious wish as you blow out candles, but honestly I think you should do whatever resonates as a witchy way to celebrate :smiley: