Full Moon Names?

Hi All

I’m just wondering if the Southern Hemisphere has different names for our full moons?

I download and print the full names of the moons each year, but seeing an article on The Pagan Grimoire now about why May’s Full Moon is called the Flower Moon, it doesn’t actually apply to Southern Hemipshere.

Does anybody have any thoughts?


I found this article for you. It’s basically opposite of the northern hemisphere. Hope this helps :blush:


Thanks so much!
I usually do the opposite for my esbats, but I didn’t think of doing it for the moon phases.
I hope you have an amazing day!


Yes! Great point - as @NoctuaAstra pointed out, they’re flipped for the Southern Hemisphere. I created this pin image this week. If you look down the column and find the month we’re in then jump to the opposite column, that’ll be the moon / intention :slight_smile:

Ex: Wolf Moon is January in Northern Hemisphere = Buck Moon for Southern Hemisphere

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Love that chart with the moon intentions! Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks so much, I have printed it and it will go on my wall in my witch den.
have a great day!

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You’re very welcome!

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Oh wow! How neat! You too :slight_smile:

Blessings, Coven! I wanted to share a few pics I took of tonight’s full moon. I used the night mode on my phone camera, plus there are a few street lights by my home, so they are little bright. Either way, lots of great energy tonight. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :full_moon_with_face::star_and_crescent:


Love those photos! I’m impressed you were able to capture it! That old car is pretty rad too :slight_smile:

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Thanks! :blush: I was surprised the pics came out that good too! :sweat_smile:

The old car is my son’s. He is 18 and has a great appreciation for older vehicles/machinery. He bought it off of his uncle, who rebuilt it. He drives it daily! :grin: