Blessed Beltane, coven! Have you all been celebrating? There were so many lovely ideas of how to celebrate in the last thread 
I am about to go get myself a matcha and, hopefully, spend much of the day frolicking in the desert. What about you?
If you need a little inspiration, here’s some more ideas and correspondences <3
And, for all our witches in the Southern Hemisphere like @Greenwitch, Happy Samhain!
…Spent the day amongst the wilder parts of the allotment and surprise rescuing of a baby rabbit and then a deer trapped on train tracks…
Beltane blessings all ) ) ) x x x
That sounds like a magical day! Blessed Beltane! Such a sweet photo of the bunny too!!! <3 <3
I was at cosmetology school the entire day, but I did wear a bright pineapple citrine tumble. I also did enjoy my 1 hour drive to school in the morning looking at the hills and fields I go by. Today I am still enjoying the beautiful weather, and my grandmother’s pink rose bush is in full glorious bloom 
I had to do Beltane on a Budget 
Picked some flowers from the flower bed at work (shhhh), ate some strawberries, and drank wine.